Headshot of a brunet man wearing glasses, a blue collared shirt, and a gray blazer.

Michael Best

Senior Attorney

Michael Best is a senior attorney at the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) specializing in financial services issues including credit reporting, debt collection, and high cost lending. At NCLC, he has developed a state legislative program with a focus on reducing the amount of wages that can be seized and bank account balances that can be drained from working people for old debts.

He’s a contributor to NCLC’s treatises Fair Credit Reporting and Consumer Credit Regulation and coauthor of the annual No Fresh Start reports, including No Fresh Start 2023: Will States Let Debt Collectors Push Families Into Poverty as Economic Uncertainty Looms? 

Prior to joining NCLC, Michael was the director of advocacy outreach at the Consumer Federation of America, where he worked to build and strengthen coalitions around consumer advocacy work in the financial services sphere. Before joining the consumer movement, he worked in the labor movement.


J.D. Northeastern University School of Law

B.S. Northeastern University