
Massachusetts Retail Energy Supply Open Energy & Utility Q&A Hours

January 26, 2023

January 26, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Q&A Hours are an informal, virtual space for folks in Massachusetts who work with low-income utility customers to gather with NCLC staff attorneys and other experts and ask questions about specific issues their clients are facing, ask general questions about MA utility law or the Utility Rights Course training materials, share information about what they are seeing in the field, and/or share recommendations with fellow advocates.

This session will start with a 10-15 minute presentation on retail energy supply (competitive supply) in MA. What it is, what the difference is between competitive supply and municipal aggregation, what to look for to help clients avoid scams, etc.. (Questions about all energy and utility issues in MA are welcome, they do not need to be about competitive supply).
